Welcome To The Town Of Hebron!

Hebron is a rural community with a population of approximately 1,400 people in the Oxford Hills  region of Maine. We are the home of several successful small family-run businesses, as well as the private middle school/high school Hebron Academy. Hebron is part of Maine School Administrative District 17.

 Town Office

351 Paris Road
PO Box 304
Hebron, ME 04238

PHONE: 207-744-7427

FAX: 207-744-7428


Monday: 8AM – 4PM
Tuesday: 8AM – 4PM
Wednesday: Noon – 4PM
Thursday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM
Friday: 8AM – 4PM


Transfer Station

Goodrich Road
Hebron, ME

PHONE: 207-966-2506

Saturday: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Thursday: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Town Updates

Transfer Station Notice

No one is permitted to enter the Transfer Station outside of normal business hours. We have had...


Just to inform you all the roads will be posted starting on Monday March 3rd